Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homemade Bread

Today I was thinking about making bruschetta, and I started thinking of bread. There is nothing better then homemade bread. I love the way it fills the house of it's delicious smell when it's baking, the way the dough sticks to my fingers when I mix it, forming it and making the designs in the top. Is that weird? Okay maybe a little. 
I like making my own dough for most things. Although, I hate hate HATE kneading bread. I really do. So, that's why this is a no-knead bread. No need to knead! BA-ZING! (Okay, I'll quit while I am ahead.)
This bread is really simple. I made it whole wheat to keep it healthier (okay, i mixed whole wheat and regular flour. Don't judge) but you can make it either way.


3 cups warm water
1 packet active dry yeast
1 spoon of sugar

Get out a large bowl, and add the water, yeast and sugar to the bowl. Allow a few minutes for yeast to activate and "foam". When this happens, add flour to bowl...add as much as you need to get a dough consistency. It should be doughy but still workable.
Cover with a warm towel for up to an hour to allow it to rise to about double it's size.

Now take it out of the bowl and on to a floured working space. Divide it into two, and form into loafs. Take your serrated knife and add design.

Let it rise for another 40 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

What I did was add parchment paper to a baking sheet for easy clean up.

After it's risen, put it in the oven along with a cup of water ( for steam and to keep it moist!) and bake for thirty minutes.

Now you have bread! 
Enjoy it with some butter or jam. I'll be eating mine for breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. ok ive got a silly question! You put a cup of water in an oven safe dish on the same rack as the bread?
